Tuesday, May 31

"Patterson, Party of 6!"

Here is my thoughts on this the day we found out....

May 6th-

Well...I don’t even know where to begin. I’m feeling everything and nothing all at the same time. After 3 kids I know that feeling, that fluttery feeling I get. I also have the biggest bladder in the world, so not being able to sleep because I have to pee is not my thing. So I drive to the store to get the cheapest Pregnancy test I can find. Funny how cashiers will not look up from scanning groceries, but when they scan something like that they always look up at you. I think they are trying to read you, are you married, or are you emotionally upset, how old you are…. That was the reason I purposefully planned on waiting until my husband had my 3 boys, to roll up in there buying something like that. I mean how silly does that seem, I go into the grocery store with a 4, 3, and 9 month old baby asking where their pregnancy tests are? I’m pretty sure they would direct me straight to birth control pills….UM no thanks, I have all the humiliation I care for at the moment.

So anyway, I headed home with my test, thinking surely it would be negative since, my husband and I had been VERY responsible!
anyway so I take the test and quickly noticed that the horizontal line was the only one showing up…I said a quick “thank you Jesus!” And headed out of the bathroom…only to return a few minutes later to take a second look. I immediately started crying, was the vertical line now brighter than the horizontal one??!?!? Yes it was def a positive. I waited for Brent to come home and the minute I showed him the test, he just looked at me…It took us a few minutes for it all to settle.

I have a baby….I didn’t want another one. I’m nursing too?? Isn’t that supposed to also be a certain percentage in protection against pregnancy? I’m telling you, I KNOW how babies happen, I don’t know how THIS baby happened. I really struggled with what people will think as I did with all my others. That is why I’m choosing to wait to tell people, I want to make sure I really focus on the sovereignty of God and how much of a blessing that life is in the midst of all this death.

I know that God has a plan for my life, accident or not on Brent’s part and mine I know it was all in His plan.

Psalm 139:16- “Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

As I tucked my 9 month old into his crib last night, I thought about fact that I had not even finished HIS nursery yet….I’m not ready to think about getting another one ready.
Cole’s tag along was Eli with 17 months between them, I NEVER though Gage would have a tag along with the same 17 months between he and another.

There are a lot of questions going through my mind, but I’m holding onto the fact that God has bigger plans than I do.

Proverbs 19:21-“You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.”

So I waited about 4 weeks thinking surely I was 8 right? I meant the tests aren't supposed to work any earlier than 5...not for me.
After going to the doctor I was only 6 weeks and 2 days meaning that pregnancy test picked it up at 2 WEEKS!! That is proof that you never need to spend the expensive money on a test....WOW I didn't even know they would work that early!

anyway Brent and I are VERY excited, we have given it a couple of weeks to settle in.
whether it's 4 boys or 3 boys with a baby sister, we can't wait!
(a girl would be SO fun for me and my boys!)

God is the amazing story writer of our lives, and right now I couldn't be happier.
I love the pregnancy, the birth, holding them and smelling them for the first time!
I never feel more alive than at that moment, this is what I was made for.

I'm excited that God has given me the opportunity to carry another life inside of me.
I can't wait to see this face.

I HAD however lost all of my pre-marriage weight! I was a couple days away from trying me wedding dress on for fun....oh well that will have to wait, LIFE is happening here:)



  1. Oh wow! I can't imagine....we have one and I had my tubes tied after that because one is more then enough for me! I can't imagine having four under the age of 5!!! Bless your heart.....but I do hope that it's a girl for you. My parents had 3 girls and then two boys. It seems once you have three of one it's most likely you'll get the opposite on the fourth! So good luck!

  2. You and Brent are the best parents! I'm so excited for you!!!!!

  3. what exciting news! I have 3 boys and then was blessed with a girl at the end. I also have had the experience of having a 9 mo old and an (unplanned by us) positive pregnancy test. mercy. but like you said, God has a plan and now I can't even IMAGINE my boys being farther apart b/c of how close they are. Besides, I see you follow the Anderson fam and whoa on her story, right?! lol. God is in control, friend! I know you know :) CONGRATS

  4. Wow! Those feelings are all too real for me. I have felt them several times, but not as much as with Micah..but we wouldn't trade him for the WORLD! God has a severign, perfect plan. Sometimes far from our plans (I remind myself of that a lot) and you are SOOO right! You WERE made for this! Love you!

  5. Congratulations! We didn't nickname you the babyfactory in college for nothing ;-). But in all honesty, you are exactly right when you say God's plan for your life is unknown. He hold's something great for you and Brent; with all these beautiful children He is blessing you with. I am so happy for you both.

  6. I could NOT dig you more. Ever. I love you, Gorgeous! Hugs, Kisses, Peace.....Leesha

  7. Wow, how exciting!!! I know it can seem overwhelming but it is so fun. Congratulations!
