Tuesday, June 21

True Freedom

I grew up in church, I don't know what a Lazy Sunday Morning is like...If the doors were open we were there.
I think that it is not always a blessing for kids. I know that sounds awful, but I think we can have TOO much church in us that we forget what it is really about.
I grew up thinking that the 10 commandments was something I was supposed to try to keep and if the ones I kept outweighed the ones I didn't I was good. I am just now at 27 years old realizing that the whole reason the law was put there was to show me my need for a Savior, God KNEW I couldn't keep them!
We have been studying Romans the last few weeks at church and God's Grace. I'm realizing it is ALL about Grace. I'm currently reading this book
From Drop Box
It is all about how teaching our kids to "be good" can be the worst thing for the growing of their faith. It shows us where to draw the line between teaching them to obey for their safety and respect, and where we need to teach them that they need to ask God to help them love their siblings and to break the cycle of entitlement (I'm being good, therefore God loves me).

It's really been interesting....The absurdity of Grace is something I'm just recently wrapping my mind around and I'm prob not even making sense now because I'm so blown away by it:)

The craziness that a God could love me when I was at my worst and pay the price for me. Romans 5:8
8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

It is so freeing to realize that God loved me and still loves me at my worst. I can't do anything to make Him love me more and nothing to make Him love me less.
When I can really understand that, I hope I will be able to teach my boys that Christianity isn't a "to do" list, but more like a love affair.

I grew up thinking that Jonah was about how if you don't obey God, he will send a whale to swallow you.....Isn't that what we get from Children bible stories? I remember thinking if you don't do what God wants he will punish you and "watch out for whales"

the truth that should have been driven home when I was that age was that God is such a merciful God....He is the God of second chances not a God that is ready to send a whale to swallow you.

I love this video by Carlos Whittaker. He is singing the song in ATL and a homeless man comes in and starts adding some of his own stuff....It is incredible!
(PAUSE the music, because you will want to hear it)

I hope you guys have a great Tuesday.....and remember that you NEVER look into the face of someone who isn't Loved by God.


1 comment:

  1. i absolutely love this and am blown away by what God has been teaching me (at 31!) about His grace that I didn't quite grasp in my younger years.....and I've still not wrapped my mind completely around the awesomeness of it. such a true statement about what we teach as the core of children's bible stories--in fact, i just finished a jonah study by priscilla shirer and she pointed out that the whale was actually an object of God's grace to jonah--if it weren't for the whale he would've died in the crazy water (and it was inside where he repented). hmmmmm.....quite a different perspective!!
